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“The state of the European Union”, Vol. II, No. 3 (Autumn 2013)

Call for Papers

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Vol. II, No. 3 (Autumn 2013): The state of the European Union

Deadline for proposals: August 15, 2013

Deadline for full articles: October 1, 2013

The Italian journal of geopolitics GEOPOLITICA. Rivista dell’Istituto in Alti Studi di Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie calls submissions for the Autumn 2013 issue.

The section theme of this issue is The state of the European Union. This issue will be dedicated to the analysis of the European institutions and to the role of the European Union as an international actor. Furthermore, this issue will cover the relations between the Union’s member states in the domains of politics and economics.

This issue of GEOPOLITICA will examine in particular a series of topics including but not limited to:

  • history of the European Union and evolution of relations among member states and external intelocutors;
  • the role of the European Union as geopolitical actor and its relation between the Atlantic sphere of influence;
  • political, juridical and economic analysis of the European institutions;
  • analysis of the EU enlargement policy;
  • EU-Russian relations in light of the Eurasian integration process;
  • relationship of EU with the Mediterranean neighbouring;
  • Europan debt crisis and policies adopted to deal with it.

Abstracts that are no longer than 400 words and a short (maximum one paragraph) biography of the author should be submitted by August 15, 2013, electronically by this contact form: [click here]. Abstracts are accepted only in English and Italian.

By no more than 10 days after the submission, authors of approved abstracts will be asked to submit their full articles for peer review. There is not a maximum lenght for articles, though is recommended to not exceed 4500 words. Articles are accepted in English, Italian, French and Spanish. All articles proposed should be unpublished in Italian language and not proposed to third party at the same time. By submitting his or her article, the Author assert that he or she owns the publishing rights in Italian language and cedes them in exclusive to GEOPOLITICA. Language of publication of all articles is Italian.

The deadline for full articles is October 1, 2013. An invitation to submit a full article does not guarantee publication. Even articles approved by the referees may be not published due to lacking of room in the issue, but they will be published, with the author’s assent, in a following issue or in the journal’s website.

The issue 3 of the second volume of GEOPOLITICA is scheduled to appear in January, 2014. GEOPOLITICA is the journal of the Italian no-profit Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie, IsAG) based in Rome and is the first and sole refereed journal of geopolitics in Italian language. Each monographic issue contains invited papers by recognized experts of the subject and peer-reviewed papers freely submitted from scholars following a public call for papers.

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